[12rec.032] VA - Moreover Moedling
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- Publication date
- 2006-08-24
- Topics
- 12rec, Mödling, Moedling, Austria, Indie, Independent, Avantgarde, Bernhard Bauch, Alexandr Vatagin, Djang Destructivo, The Clonious, KES, Kleines Einmannsportsegelboot, Peter Holy, David Schweighart, Lukas Scholler, Applicator 120, Ippolit, Tupolev,
- Item Size
- 77.4M
Lower Austria Independent Music
(...) An adventurous mindset is about the only thing the bands on this record have in common. They draw their influences and ideas from a diverse array of areas that range from the serious to the absurd and from the pragmatic to the highly complex. From an outside point of view the various parts of this compilation may seem like a concise and tightly woven section of a tiny fraction of all the music on this planet, but diving into the contents offered herein, you'll find whole worlds opening to you.
For instance The Clonious brewing memories to Pharao Sanders' late phase with Coltrane while spinning those echoy drums in a truly mental fashion. Alexandr Vatagin gives a little- glitch-goes-drone excursion, nothing big, but with lots of soothing effect on the mind. Peter Holy is taking his songwriting to a completely new level of emotism, mocking classical piano and then rocking it as if his heart depended on it. David Schweighart uses field recordings of birdsong and voices in the park to brighten his guitar-chords. Applicator 120 forage into some short but equally effective nullsonic-noise of electric interference on their Flug Der Todessonde Omega. Ippolit introducing a clarinet into a majority of the Tupolev fracas resulting in the loosest Masada you'll ever hear. Yes, the whole town riding the range and everyone having a good time while exploring the fringes of what they know. Mödling, the frontier town?
Moreover Mödling ends with the enormous Tupolev and their Opus, which fits because Tupolev might be the best known band from the ones introduced here, the starting point for many music lovers to explore further (just like this compilation) and also seems to be a central point for the various players in the Mödling-scene. Peter Holy, Alexandr Vatagin, David Schweighart and Lukas Scholler all appear solo as well on the record, mostly with one or more of the others playing along. This kind of incest is a great thing as long as the closeness and intimacy is held up. If their regional closeness is but a coincidence, that is for you, the listener, to decide. But beware, as soon as you start to question your own judgements, you'll step up into air. Maybe you'll find, that the nothing underneath you will give you better hold than the ground far below.
August 2006, Georg Cracked
(head honcho of the non-existing info radiance Cracked Foundation for the Fine Arts)
Get the whole text in the zip-file or at http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/.
(...) An adventurous mindset is about the only thing the bands on this record have in common. They draw their influences and ideas from a diverse array of areas that range from the serious to the absurd and from the pragmatic to the highly complex. From an outside point of view the various parts of this compilation may seem like a concise and tightly woven section of a tiny fraction of all the music on this planet, but diving into the contents offered herein, you'll find whole worlds opening to you.
For instance The Clonious brewing memories to Pharao Sanders' late phase with Coltrane while spinning those echoy drums in a truly mental fashion. Alexandr Vatagin gives a little- glitch-goes-drone excursion, nothing big, but with lots of soothing effect on the mind. Peter Holy is taking his songwriting to a completely new level of emotism, mocking classical piano and then rocking it as if his heart depended on it. David Schweighart uses field recordings of birdsong and voices in the park to brighten his guitar-chords. Applicator 120 forage into some short but equally effective nullsonic-noise of electric interference on their Flug Der Todessonde Omega. Ippolit introducing a clarinet into a majority of the Tupolev fracas resulting in the loosest Masada you'll ever hear. Yes, the whole town riding the range and everyone having a good time while exploring the fringes of what they know. Mödling, the frontier town?
Moreover Mödling ends with the enormous Tupolev and their Opus, which fits because Tupolev might be the best known band from the ones introduced here, the starting point for many music lovers to explore further (just like this compilation) and also seems to be a central point for the various players in the Mödling-scene. Peter Holy, Alexandr Vatagin, David Schweighart and Lukas Scholler all appear solo as well on the record, mostly with one or more of the others playing along. This kind of incest is a great thing as long as the closeness and intimacy is held up. If their regional closeness is but a coincidence, that is for you, the listener, to decide. But beware, as soon as you start to question your own judgements, you'll step up into air. Maybe you'll find, that the nothing underneath you will give you better hold than the ground far below.
August 2006, Georg Cracked
(head honcho of the non-existing info radiance Cracked Foundation for the Fine Arts)
Get the whole text in the zip-file or at http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/.
Related Music question-dark
Versions - Different performances of the song by the same artist
Compilations - Other albums which feature this performance of the song
Covers - Performances of a song with the same name by different artists
Song Title | Versions | Compilations | Covers |
Different Brains | |||
Break Cycles | |||
Untitled | |||
Tribute To The Walnut Rollercoaster | |||
Nordwaggon | |||
Basic Stumbling | |||
Eisstockschiessen | |||
Same | |||
Flug Der Todessonde Omega | |||
Collage #2 | |||
Opus |
detailed artist information available in the info textfile
- Addeddate
- 2006-08-24 17:52:41
- Album
- Moreover Mödling
- Artist
- Various Artists
- Boxid
- OL100020511
- External-identifier
- Identifier
- 12rec.032
- Run time
- 54:20
- Source
- www.12rec.net
- Taped by
- various
- Year
- 2006
favoritefavoritefavorite -
April 26, 2014 (edited)
Subject: Moreover Moedling Compilation
Subject: Moreover Moedling Compilation
To me this album could be something which could get played in a cafe. Usually the music of cafes has this way of being both somewhat interesting and it also has this quality of not usually not being too cheery and hook derived because its the kind of music that mostly wants to be apart of the background and help set up a contemplatively welcoming mood up. If I had this album I don't think I'd play it that often if at all as a fully played through work. Sure I think in some ways it sounds interesting because of the way the musicians layered their rhythm and musical overtones but as a whole I wasn't that excited by the sound of this compilation. One of the tracks that got on my nerves was one of the songs called Flug Der Todessonde Omega because it was a very noisy sounding track. I usually like my music to sound more like it was meant to be music and not some abstract set of ideas in sound art. One of the better tracks I liked was called Nordwaggon. I likes the nice clean sound of the main electric guitar playing in that song when it began to play its parts. Plus there was some really good drumming that was done on the song named Opus. Overall I give this album three stars.
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Untitled download
Nordwaggon download
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